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Mango Salsa Recipe with Peaches
This crisp salsa recipe uses fresh mangos and peaches to create a juicy sweet and spicy topping for tacos or a healthy chip dipping...
Mexican Salad Recipe
This quick, healthy meal is fully customizable and can be both vegan and vegetarian friendly. Equipment Single Burner or Microwave...
Vegan Taco Meat Recipe
A meatless substitute for ground taco beef used to make basic soft or crunchy tacos. This vegan taco meat recipe is a easy and fast...
Veggie Fajitas Recipe
This is an easy, super healthy dinner recipe for a veggie-forward taco night. Veggie fajitas for a satisfying Mexican dinner idea!...
Mexican Rice Recipe
This is a vegan-friendly staple Mexican side dish that's fast, simple, and essential for anyone who loves Mexican food. It is easy to...
Corn Tortilla Recipe
Homemade corn tortillas are really simple to make and taste so much better than the store bought variety. Learn how to make your own corn...
Taco Seasoning Recipe
Super easy recipe. Super versatile taco spice. Great to keep on hand! This Mexican taco seasoning recipe is designed for quick, easy...
Vegan Tacos: "Beef" and Bean Filling
This is a basic, cheap, fast, and hearty one-pan taco filling for easy weeknight dinners. Vegan tacos, vegetarian tacos, meatless tacos....
Easy Nacho Bowls for a Quick Healthy Dinner
A fully customizable, incredibly healthy, wonderfully satisfying meal in under 15 minutes. Need a new, quick healthy dinner idea? It's...
Easy Vegan Sour Cream Recipe (From Yogurt)
Super fast and easy vegan sour cream recipe made with 4 total ingredients and done in less than 5 minutes. This recipe utilizes...
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